This function cancels current registration and unbinds computer from license code. This function can be used for example when license code is allowed on one computer and you need to move the code to another computer. The function unbinds current computer from license code so software can be registered on another computer without problems

Public Shared Function DeregisterSoftware() As ClientDeregisterSoftwareResponseCode

No parameters.

Return value
Returns the status of operation via ClientDeregisterSoftwareResponseCode enum.

File: ItpLibraryNetWrapper.vb
Namespace: ItpLibraryNetClient;

Private Sub btnDeregister_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnUnregister.Click
    Dim responseCode As ClientDeregisterSoftwareResponseCode = ItpLibraryNetWrapper.DeregisterSoftware()
    MessageBox.Show(responseCode.ToString(), Text)
End Sub
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